Monday, February 7, 2011

Jim Crow Voting Laws

Explore the PBS website: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow and explore how African Americans were denied the right to vote during the Jim Crow era. By following the steps on the website, examine what African Americans had to do in order to vote. Then write a summary paragraph on the blog that explains what African Americans had to do in order to vote and why many did not vote. Then, predict what effect this had on the laws that governed southern states.


  1. Jessie C. W-1

    There are many struggles African American's had to go through to vote. One of these struggles was passing a literacy test, to test their education. Another obstacle is they had to pay a poll tax, which most African Americans couldn't afford. Then, they have to get to the voting stations, which are many miles away and most blacks would be arrested and held in jail until voting was over if they had a car. The last struggle is that the county sheriff would show up, and shoot you before you have a chance to vote.
    In conclusion, there are many dangerous obstacles to overcome to vote, and in the end, blacks wouldn't be allowed to vote anyway.

  2. During the Jim Crow Era African Americans had to overcome many obstacles in order to vote. They had to pass a Literacy test, many of the questions depended on if the person giving the test wants you to pass or fail. Many of the tests given to African Americans were impossible to knowledge. But if you do pass the test another problem occurs, you have to pay a Poll Tax. Majority of African Americans couldn't afford this payment. Transportation was out of control, many blacks would be arrested if seen driving to vote. But if you did make it, you will be killed. African Americans were not treated equally. Although they were said to have rights, a lot of those rights were taken away. So this is when the saying "Separate but equal" comes into play. African Americans were said to have every say in the government, but sometimes your opinion might cost you your life.

  3. Mario Natichioni
    During the Jim Crow era if you were black and sometimes even if you were just poor it was incredibly hard to vote. The first step would be to pass a incredibly hard test and if you somehow passed it their was still many obsticles in your way. Second, if you lived far away from where you would vote you would be told all black drivers would be put in jail until the ballets are cast. If you somehow still were allowed to vote the sheriff would load his revolver infront of you and then would tell you not to cast your vote or you would be killed. so It was practicly impossible to vote as a african american and survive to tell the story.

  4. Tristen Kocher

    To vote as a black in the era of the Jim Crows laws there was many obstacles to overcome. First there was the literacy test that was impossibly hard because most blacks were forced to take in a ridiculous amount of time.Next you had to pay a tax to vote. Then on election day the police would arrest all black drivers on false charges and put in jail for a day. Lastly the sheriff would come up to you and send you home either without lead or with. So in the end most to all blacks couldn't vote.

  5. Liana Gruner W-1

    During the Jim Crow ear there we many struggles for African Americans to vote. One thing an African American had to do to try to vote was to take a literacy test, this test consisted of sixty eight question. Sometimes when given a test, the person taking it would have to complete it in a cretin amount of time and get all of them right. Next they would have to pay a poll tax, which many African Americans could not afford. Also the the voting polls could be many miles away, and black drivers would be arrested on there way to vote.

  6. Elana Neiley
    During segregation people would do anything to keep African- Americans from voting. Although a black person could cast a ballot, they would have to do several things to actually vote.n First,the person working the ballot would make an African American take a literary test that was very hard for someone who had bad schooling and could barely read. If they passed the test, they needed to be able to pay a tax that many could not pay. When it came time to vote, people would need to get to the station.However, that day any black drivers would be arrested, so it was very hard to get the the voting station. If a black managed to get to the station, a police man would hold him at gunpoint and say that today was not a good day form that person to vote. if he tried to vote, he wold be even if a black person got through everything else, he would still be unable to vote.

  7. African Americans where basically not allowed to vote during the 1867. First, African Americans had to pass a literacy test. If they did pass it they still had no guaranteed that they can vote.If you wanted to be eligible to vote you must have pay a poll tax, but many African Americans were too poor to afford it.Many African Americans lived miles away from the vote station, so if you did not have a car you wouldn't be able to get to the vote station.Rumors were saying that if you where African Americans and driving a car you would get pulled over and held in jail till the polls where closed.If you finally made it to the vote station, you where threaten if you voted you where going to get killed.So African Americans where not really allowed to vote.

    -Erick Mondragon

  8. Jade C. W1

    The African Americans went through many stages in order to try and vote. They had to pass a literacy test to test their education. Other stages they had to go through in order to be able to vote were they had to pay a poll tax, many couldn't afford it,go to voting stations and cast their votes though many were far away and many blacks had no transportation. The last stage of voting for the African Americans were the sheriffs. They would how up and shoot you before you were able to vote or threaten to shoot you before you even thought about it. There were many dangers in order for African-Americans to vote, but because many were strong and confident they did tested fate and stood their ground.

  9. In the early 1900s black people tried to vote but it was really hard for them. they had to take a literacy test that was really hard. also they had to poll taxes which meant to pay taxes and a lot of African Americans couldn't afford it. also a big issue was transportation alot of black people dint had cars and the voting stations were miles away. and last the sheriff would try to kill you.

  10. African-Americans were not able to vote due to the strict rules put n place against such an event. If a black wanted to vote than they were required firstly to take a literature test even though most whites were not required to and the test was near impossible. If somehow you managed to pass the literature test, you were than required to pay a poll tax which because most African-Americans were poor you probably couldn't afford. If you managed to pay this tax then you were eligible to vote, but only with the polling station. If somehow you had managed to make it this far then the local police wold do what they could to stop you by having mass arrest and jailing blacks so they couldn't make it to the poll. If you as an African-American could get away from the police then you would most likely be lynched before you could cast your vote. Fr African-Americans it was impossible to vote, even if you could fulfill the requirements of voting you were just not allowed. Because blacks could not vote, They were not able to elect and representative that stood for their beliefs or causes. As such the control that was put upon the blacks cycled and African-Americans would be held down forever.
    Ian Enright, w1

  11. :P :D D: :) :( ;) ;( ;D D; :} :} =] :$- coolest person you have ever known

  12. Alex S
    African Americans were not treated fairly in terms of voting because of a few different reasons. One is that they had to pass a literacy test and none of them were taught to read or write. This means that they couldn't vote even if they tried. Also, they had to be born in the United States and they couldn't be caught. They couldn't be caught because they would be killed if anyone say them voting. The KKK would splinch people who would get their vote through. Most would be put in jail or killed. The sheriff would kill you if he saw you cast your vote. If anyone got their vote through, it would be a day to tell your family for generations to come. This was a hard time for all of the African Americans.

  13. Henry H
    African Americans were not treated fairly when it came to their right to vote. To even think about voting you had to go through some ridiculous steps just to cast a vote and if you made it all the way through all those steps you still could be at risk of not even voting. One step they had to go through was just having all the right requirements that you need to vote. Then if you got out of that then you had to take an oral test that was nearly impossible to get every single question right. If you were able to past the test then you would even have to pay a toll to vote, and most African Americans did not have the money to vote. If you decided to pay the toll then you would have to find away to get to the voting place, and there were obstacles you had to dodge like cops who didn't want you to vote. Voting was ridiculously hard to do when you were African Americans and obviously whites don't want them to vote.

  14. Many African Americans in the late 1900s couldn't or didn't vote for several reasons. One of which is, the voting officials would often give whites one easy question, while giving people of color all of the difficult questions on the literacy test. If a person of color managed to pass the test they still weren't guaranteed a vote. A few problems still existed, including a poll tax (which most colored people couldn't afford) and transportation. As unlikely as it was that a black person could afford the poll tax, it was even more unlikely that a man of color could afford a car to even get to the ballot box. After all of that trouble a black person went through it was likely that a police officer would be waiting at the ballot box for any black people to make sure that they didn't vote either by intimidation or force. Most people of color decided it was too much trouble to vote so in the end the votes were sided toward all of the white supremacist candidates. This result kept unfavorable candidates in office and prolonged the terrible treatment of colored people.

    -The most awesome student ever. (Beeler)

  15. Juan Chavez W1

    During the Jim Crow era many African Americans struggled to vote. They were given many conditions, which many in most cases did not meet.They are asked to pass a test which was really hard for them because during the time many did not have a good or even an education. They were also asked to pay a tax poll which was really expensive for many African Americans due to the bad paying jobs they had. They face transportation problems, the voting stations were 15 to 30 miles away from African communities, and in most cases they were told they would be arrested if driven to the the stations. African Americans faced many problem but even thought many of them still tried to vote

  16. Perez, Noe
    Some people would do anything to keep African Americans from voting.And if their cool vote they probably would have to requirements to even have a chance to vote.If their were able to vote their had to pay a poll tax at the voting station, and if they did not have any money the could not vote.Unlike today the president would to anything to get peoples vote.

  17. Alex S commenting on Henry H comment

    I agree with Henry in that the African Americans were not allowed to vote and that it was unfair. It was not right for people to do that.

  18. Angel T
    There are many different obstacles African Americans had to conquer before being able to vote. They had to pass a literacy test in an unrealistic amount of time and, had to get all questions correct. Then the African Americans had to find a way of transportation, which was hard for them because if they had a car they would be arrested. Once the African Americans arrive they have to pay a poll tax.
    So in concluding the African Americans had to go through a lot just to get their vote accounted for.

  19. Tess E. W1

    It was extremely hard for African-Americans to vote because of all the obstacles they had to overcome before they could even go to the voting polling station. African-Americans had to take a literacy test to qualify to vote. the test had to be completed and every question answered correctly. Once someone passed the test, they had to pay a poll tax. Since many African-Americans were extremely poor a lot of them were unable to pay. The poll stations were miles away from the city making it hard for blacks to get to the poll stations. Then there were rumors added to scare the blacks from voting. Once you have overcome all the obstacles there was a sheriff waiting with a gun threatening to kill any African-American who attempted to vote.

  20. I agree with Alex comment on Henrys comment

  21. elana neiley
    If black people could not vote for who they wanted, then the government would be able to pass more and more laws about voting and what blacks need to do to vote. This would make it possible for one president who was racist to always be in power

  22. Alex S commenting on Henry H commenting on Alex S commenting on Henry H's post

    I agree strongly on henry's comment and he brings up a great point

  23. i dont agree with this person ^

  24. i agree with the agreement of Alex's comment on Henry's comment.

  25. Warren Knutson
    In the days of the Jim crow days people would do anything t try and stop African American from voting. To vote first you would have to register to vote. Then you had had to take the test. further more you had to a very high poll tax witch was hard for some people. if yoiu could pay that then you still had to find a ride to the station and you might get arrested. If you could get there there was a chance that you could die.

  26. I agree with alexis comment on henrys comment on alexis comment on zacks comment on henrys comment

  27. Libby B

    Blacks had to go through a lot of steps to be able to cast a vote.There were many steps, the first one was meeting the regulations that were set. If you met the regulations you would then have to take a literacy test. This test was hard to pass and if you didn't get all them right you wouldn't be able to vote.If you were lucky and passed the test they would then have to pay a toll. Most of the African Americans couldn't pay the toll so this stopped them from voting.After you payed then toll you had to figure out a way to get to the vote casting place. If you did this as a black you faced challenges, such as running into cops and whites who didn't want you to vote. These long and hard steps that the blacks had to take stopped many of them from voting.

    If the African Americans couldn't vote the government would be in complete control when it came to black rights. If this would have been the case black people would have not gotten any rights to do anything.

  28. Delaney P.

    The African Americans had to go through many steps in order to vote, and there were a lot of complications. First they have to register to vote, but the station was many miles away so you had to drive. Blacks weren't aloud to drive and if they did they could get thrown in jail until voting sessions are over. On the test they made literacy exams so that the Africans couldn't understand. There was also a fee which was mandatory, that most blacks couldn't afford. Therefore they basically made it impossible for the blacks to vote.

  29. Adam S
    Back in the begging of the Jim Crow Era it was very hard to vote when you are a African American. You had to over come many obstacles in order to vote. You would have to pass a literacy test which was very hard to pass for African Americans. Next you must pay a tax which most African Americans could not afford to pay. Also you must drive to the voting area but all black drivers are being arrested and held over night until the polls are over so you must walk 15 miles. Finally the sheriff would rather kill you than let you vote so you must get past that obstacle.

  30. Carrie W
    African Americans were not treated fairly when it came to casting votes. They had to go through numerous steps just to even try to vote,like taking an oral test. Which is almost impossible to answer every question correctly. Even if they made it through that process they were still not assured that their vote would even be cast at all. I think that if we did all this today, people would just stop voting. Possibly a new Civil War would break out..

  31. yaqui arreola
    in the days of Jim crow many African Americans were dined many things, and one of those things was the right to vote.There were a few that did try to vote though but the odds of actually getting to vote were very close to nothing. to be able to vote you would have to first take a literacy test, if you answered every single question correctly which was something that wast done very often you would still have to pay a poll tax. this was hard for most blacks because during that time period most if not all lived in very poor conditions. but there was always hope for overcoming that obstacle, and there were people that actually did. but then they were faced with having to find a ride to get to the poll stations. one top of having to find a ride which was pretty hard there were rumors going around that police officers were on the look out for blacks and they would put them in jail if found. after overcoming all the obstacles that were put some blacks did get to the poll stations but they were faced with the sheriff, who made it very clear that any black who would try to vote would be killed.

  32. Kate W R-2
    The blacks could not vote for a long period of time. To see if you could vote you would have to first take a test and then if you past the test they might let you vote. a lot of people would not pass. next you would have to pay a poll tax. you would have to be able to drive to the voting place and on this day all black people would be arrested if they were driving. white people say they will kill you before they will let you vote. as you can see it was a lot to do to be able to vote if you were black. today if we did this there would be wars and lots of violence. the government would not have this.

  33. Emily C.
    I do not agree that African Americans do not get the right to vote.It is not fair that only White Males get to vote. And that African Americans get killed for trying to vote.

  34. Connor D.
    I voted, I had to make a lot of sacrifices to get to the point where i can put in a vote. Eventually the sheriff caught me and loaded his revolver and shot me dead because i was black and i couldn't vote.

  35. Collin T.
    African Americans were not treated right and they had a struggle to vote.First to vote you had to make regulations. if you made regulations then you would have to take a literacy test, the test was nearly impossible to pass. But if you did pass the test you would have to pay a toll, most african americans did not have money to pay either.After that you would have to find a place to vote, most whites would not let you in to vote. Those are the tough steps for African Americans to vote.
    If African americans could not vote today we would have less opinions and it would not make the right votes.

  36. Adam Sobke
    I left out the last part.

    Since black people cant vote on the laws with black people it will be harder to change the laws.

  37. Andy M.
    Back in those days first u had to register to vote.only whites voted in the South before 1867. But the blacks.You had to take a test if u failed then you would have to pas the toll If u lived in the south and you were black you could not afford it. Some lived several miles away and did not have transportation to go, and the police was throwing blacks in jail for driving, and let free when the poll was over. If you do all of that then you have showed that you have guts and maybe if you get caught then you will be put in jail. So many blacks never got to vote most of the time.

  38. Jorge C.
    I do not agree that African Americans have to go through all that process just to vote.And whats the point of voting for the blacks if their gonna get killed anyways before they vote.

  39. Blacks had to do alot of different things to be able to a vote.There were many steps, the first one was meeting the regulations they had If you met the regulations you would then have to take a test. This test was hard and if you didn't get all them right you wouldn't be able to vote.If you were lucky and passed the test they would then have to pay. Most of the African Americans couldn't pay the toll so this stopped them from voting.After you payed then toll you had to figure out a way to get to the voters box

  40. Wendy Preciado
    African americans did not have the same rights as everybody else. They had to go through so much sacrifices that meant nothing just to vote. And at the very end the sheriff caught you and you basically got killed. So much for everything you sacrificed.

  41. idaly m
    In the days of the Jim Crow days people would do so many things to keep the African Americans from voting. People would put so many obstacles for example they could only vote if there grandparents had voted but that's one thing African Americans were not eligible to do.Also it was expensive and they didn't have the money for it.This affected them because the African American didn't have control of what was going on around them just because they were not able to vote.

  42. Luis Sanchez.

    During the Jim Crow Era days African Americans tried to vote and had the ability to vote.But in able to vote they had to take a test called the "Literacy Test".The test included 68 questions and to continue the process of voting they had to get them all correct in a certain amount of time.After you finished the test there was a fee you had to pay but many African Americans didn't have the money to pay because of how poor they were.The voting station wasn't far from where the blacks lived but the blacks weren't aloud to drive to the station and if they did they would get arrested.So in a way the whole process of voting was a waste of time.Some African Americans found their way to go to the station a vote.

  43. K.M
    In the days of Jim crow it was really hard for blacks to vote, they would have to go take a test which many did not pass, if they did pass they would have to pay poll tax, whit3e people did not want blacks to vote so they'd say they would kill them. i do not agrre that blacks should not get the black to vote everyone should vote for what they believe in .

  44. During the Jim Crow era African Americans did not have the equal rights and struggled when it came to voting. In order to vote, colored people had to pass through many obstacles just to get a station to vote in. They were told to pass every question in the literacy test correctly in order to pass to the next requirement.Yet that task was almost impossible because they did not have the correct education and sometimes no education at all. Getting to their destination was also very difficult especially when any black drove to the polling stations. This is because they would get arrested. If you did turn out successfully passing all their obstacles you were finally. eligible to vote. But even with all the hard work they could still turn you down so you could not vote or they would end up killing you.

    Jaqui Farias

  45. chace ross

    black people had a very horrible life. one reason is that some of them would die if voted. in order to vote they had to take a test and pay a toll. as you can see black people had it really h ard

  46. Colin B
    African Americans were not treated fairly when it came to their right to vote. Just to vote you had to take all of these tests about America. In one test they had to go through just having all the right things that you need to vote. Then you had to take an oral test that was basically impossible to get every question right. If you past the test then you would still have to pay a toll to vote, and most African Americans did not have any money to vote. If you payed the toll then you would have to find the voting place, and there were obstacles you had to dodge like cops who didn't want you to vote. Voting was ridiculously hard to do when you were African Americans and obviously whites don't want them to vote.

  47. Savannah B.

    They were making a bunch of sacrifices like all black drivers would be arrested and be put in jail by trying to vote but sense African American people aren't aloud to vote i got caught and the sheriff would shoot them.

  48. becca g.

    African Americans had a complicated process to go through in order to vote. First they had to take a literacy test and it wasn't easy, because the person giving the test would ask the harder questions and give an inconvenient amount of time to answer. However, if they made it through the test, they would have to pay a Poll tax. Many or most of the African Americans were very poor and couldn't afford to pay it. For those who could afford it, would probably get arrested while driving, because the people didn't want them to vote. If they made it through that as well, they would get killed at the voting polls.

  49. garrett lowe
    Many african americans were unable to vote for a few reasons, they didnt have transportation, money nor the `1knowlege to to pass the test

  50. Mr Rankins The SHIZZLE

  51. Flora F. African Americans were never treated fairly especially when it came to voting rights. Legally they were allowed to vote but very few African Americans actually passed the nearly impossible test. They had to go through a written test and then they had to pay the pole tax which cost more than many blacks could afford. once they had passed that they had to face the sheriff who pulled out his gun and in his actions he told them that they were not allowed to vote... this scared many African Americans so they decided it was safer not to vote.

  52. Cole A.
    Black people had to overcome tremendous challenges to have the right to vote. Even after the war they were still not treated fairly in the south. They would set up amazingly hard tests and challenges for the black people but easy for the whites. They also had to overcome paying the tax of the poll. Most of the blacks in the south were share croppers so they couldn't pay the fee. Rich whites could pay easily. One other thing is that they did not have transportation to get to the voting area. Last, they had to get by the sheriff who would more than likely kill you. That is how it was almost impossible for African Americans to vote.

  53. Jamie L.
    Voting in the South was very hard during the Jim Crow Era, especially for the African Americans. Money, transportation, and safety were things to consider if an African American wanted to vote. Some things they had to overcome were being required to vote, having the knowledge to vote, being able to pay the poll tax, and being able to get past anyone that didn't believe they should vote. Not only were money and transportation a problem for African Americans, but also for some whites, but the main things for the African Americans to get past, were the literacy tests and the threatening white people. If they could get past that, they would have a pretty good chance to vote.

  54. Justin B.
    The African Americans had to go through a bunch of stops on the way to vote. They had to get transportation to the voting place and if the cops saw them drive they would arrest them tell the voting was over. They had to pass test that white people did not have to take. That or the test was not as hard as what the black people had to take. The Jim Crow laws were probably unnecessary.

  55. Anayeli

    The blacks don't have rights because they can't vote they was discriminate for people white, also the police and the government,
    your life was difficult. One black voting he was die for the people white the government was agree because they don't want the black. They didnt have transportation,money.

  56. Jennie T. & Ashley O.
    (There wasn't enough computers...)

    The Jim Crow Era was one of the hardest times for African Americans in our nation. Although they were technically allowed to vote, all the obstacles they had to overcome made it nearly impossible. They gave extremely hard aptitude tests, and charged taxes that they knew were far too expensive for the black people. It was clear that African Americans were not wanted on the day of the voting. This could have influenced the laws so that the white people were basically running the government, and no changes were made in favor of the colored people because they had no say.

  57. Mabel R.

    During the Jim Crow Era African Americans were not able to vote because they had to pay tax to vote and they also had to pay for transportation and sometimes they didn't have money to pay. Another reason is because when they were driving they could be arrested. Africans Americans had to take a test where they had to get all the questions right in order to be able to vote.

  58. Roberto Puga

    In the 1880's through the 1940's black people were slaves and treated unfairly just because the color of their skin. Black people couldn't vote because they had to take very difficult tests and also black people didn't go to school that often. After the test they took they had to see if they could pay the poll tax and black people didn't earn that much money.Then after paying they had to find a ride to the voting station because it was a few miles away from where they live. After you find a ride then you have to confront the sheriff and he says that today doesn't seem like a good day for you to vote and he will have his revolver loaded and in your face also he will kill you before you vote.

  59. Dawson Q.
    During the Jim Crow era, African Americans had to overcome many hard tasks in order to vote. They first had to pass the Grandfather Clause. The Grandfather Clause was very hard to pass, but if they did, they still had many hard tasks in front of them. The second task they had to overcome was the Literacy Test. The Literacy Test was very difficult, it consisted of many questions about the current United States policy's and important history about the States. The next obstacle was that they had to pay the Poll tax. The Poll Tax insisted that African Americans that made it this far had to pay a certain amount of money in order to cast a ballot, but this wasn't the last thing they had to do. The next task was transportation. Black voters were told they had to have a mode of transportation to get to the poll stations. Many rumors spread that if an African American was caught driving on election day, they would be jailed until the polls were closed. Even after this, the obstacles weren't over. Once making it pass all of this, they would have to meet with the county sheriff. If the sheriff didn't want them to vote. He would kill them before they could vote at the polls. This information supports that during the Jim Crow era, voting for a black person was very hard and nearly impossible.

  60. Lluvia D.
    Many African Americans couldn't vote because they were either poor or did not have transportation.A lot of the times they were blackmail to not vote.Some didn't even vote because they would get killed.This scared a lot of African Americans to vote.

  61. Tania C.
    They made it really hard for African American to do anything. They didn't let them vote because that they didn't have the right to vote and do anything. So many African Americans were very or did not have cars and all that..

  62. Emily Myler
    even though African Americans were technically allowed to vote, they had to overcome several obstacles in order to cast their ballot. Firstly, they had to pass a literacy test of unfair questions that most of them did not know, then they had to pay a poll tax. only the people who had the money were able to vote but unless they had a car they were not able to get to the voting station. even if they had a car, the sheriffs would arrest any black person in a car.
    I think that the laws in the south would have banned poll taxes. this would have made it easier to vote if you didn't have a lot of money. then i would have made a standard literacy test that had questions that everyone would be able to understand.

  63. Grecia R.

    They made it really hard for the African Americans to vote because they didn't had the right to vote and to do anything else.

  64. Melissa R.

    During the Jim Crow Era, people made it really hard to let African Americans able to vote. They had to go through a lot to be able to vote. First, you have to take the literacy test and pass it. And the problem with that was that they made it really hard. It was basically impossible, because you couldn't miss one. And if you were lucky you had to pay a poll tax, but since back then black people didn't have a lot of money. They weren't able to pay the tax. And wouldn't be able to vote. And if African Americans did have the money to pay the poll tax, they would have to get a way to get to the voting stations. They also made it very hard because they would not let black people drive on election day. And if you were able to get to the voting station, you had to pass through the sheriff and he will not let you pass, and if you still tried he would kill you. It was very difficult for them to vote.

  65. Valeria Castillo

    The black people were mistreated from the white people and don't have rights. For example, blacks could not vote, nor decide for themselves. The white people killed black people because they wanted vote.

  66. Andrew Schied
    During the Jim Crow era, African American citizens were restricted in many ways from voting and casting a ballot. States created laws such as having to pass a literacy test. For white citizens, they were exempt from literacy tests and such restrictions because of the "Grandfather Clause". This was the law that made white people who had a grandfather American citizen before the year 1867 that made them exempt from voting. African Americans also faced poll tax and transportation issues. Because few to none African Americans were actually able to vote, laws like this were often passed.

  67. Ruben Vargas

    Back then, it was very difficult for an African-American to vote. If they wanted to votes, they would have to undergo many different obstacles. Before all, blacks had to take a literacy test. Often times, blacks were given a small time limit for completing the tests. If an African-American ever completed this test, they had to have enough money for the voting tax. This was often hard for blacks, considering that back then most people were poor. Next, blacks had to have transportation to get to the voting place. People would rumor that blacks driving would get arrested. If an African-American successfully fulfilled all these obstacles, they would undergo one more obstacle, racism. Blacks, before they voted, were often killed by a sheriff. If blacks wanted to vote, it would be a difficult obstacle to overcome.

  68. Jesus Cortez

    the black people can not voted they had went through very difficult things. they had to take a test and they did not even go to school the test was so hard and they doesn't have enough time. after the test they had to pay money but they was slaves. if they passed all those tings the voting day all blacks drivers were arrested.

  69. During the Civil Rights movement and the Jim Crow Law, African Americans were treated with disrespect. As an American Citizen we are given the Right and opportunity to vote. After the Civil War Blacks were sett free of slavery but, do to there lack of education they were left with no job and lived lives of poverty. When it came to time to vote Blacks found themselves unable to do so. Certain standards were designed to make it nearly impossible for Black people to vote. Tests that were created were made so that African Americans could not pass them, do to there lack of a good well rounded education. If someone did pass unreasonable and unfair accusations were made just to make sure that they couldn't vote. And because this many didn't along with some being put to death.

  70. Jenna Brown
    Voting for African Americans was very difficult in the Jim Crow era in the South. They had to take many overwhelming and hard tests. First they would take the literacy test, which was used to decrease the number of blacks and poor whites voting. In order to pass the long test some would have to get every question right in a short amount of time. If you could pass the test you would then have to pay a tax which most African Americans could not afford. After you would have to drive to the voting station and many didn't have a car or couldn't afford a cab.If you were lucky enough to get past all the challenges you would face the sheriff, who would point a gun to your head and threaten to kill you. As you can see blacks faced many challenges that most couldn't pass.

  71. Michael Gutierrez

    During the Jim Crow Era there was a law that gave African Americans the right to vote. Many states tried to get around that law by doing many things.For example white supremacist groups like the KKK killed people that tried to vote which scared other people to not vote.
    Another thing states did is arrest black drivers the day of voting and many other African Americans didn't have cars. Plus the states made a tax that many African Americans couldn't pay to not let them vote. Their was also a test and scene many African Americans didn't go to school didn't pass. Pretty much it was unfair and almost no African Americans one could vote

  72. Scotty Elmore
    during the time of the Jim crow laws it was very difficult for African Americans to vote. there were many hoops that a black citizen had to jump through. the first of which was the grandfather clause, if you were lucky enough to have had your grandfather vote then you've made it through the first hoop. the next requirement you had to fulfill was a proof of literacy. you would only be able to vote if you were able to answer several difficult questions in a nearly impossible amount of time. manege to accomplish that and then you'll have to pay the rather expensive poll tax to retain your eligibility. if you are able to get to the ballot box without transportation you'll have to avoid any potential lynchers. with all of these difficult requirements almost all of the African American citizens in the south didn't vote. this led to many unfair laws that were passed by the racist whites.

  73. In the Jim Crow Era, the right to vote for blacks was almost unreachable for all. The whites made things so complicated and hard for the blacks to vote that it was next to impossible to vote if you were a black. They had to go through many obstacles such as a literary test, the grandfather clause, pay poll tax, and you had to avoid being seen driving on that day otherwise you would be killed. Many of the obstacles were very unfair, and the ones that seemed like they could be fair like the literary test weren't because they were different for blacks and whites. Not having any black votes effected the southern government because many laws were passed that were unfair to blacks because no blacks were in the government to object. So, it just made it harder on the blacks to have equal rights with the whites.

    ~Laura McDermott

  74. Madie Dardynski, W1

    There were many obstacles to overcome as an African American to vote in the JIm Crow Era. One of these obstacles was they had to pass a literacy test, to show their level of education, which was very had almost impossible for many because many didn't know how to read or write. If the test was passed they had to pay a Poll tax, this was very hard for many because they could not afford the required payment. On voting day, you were spotted in a car you would be arrested for one day until voting was officially over. If an African American sum how made it to the voting station a county sherif would shoot them before ever getting a chance to vote. As you can see there were ridiculous of obstacles to overcome, it was a matter of life and death, which resulted in many not even attempting to vote.
